

Blog belongs to startups and Entrepreneurship

A group of startup founders discussing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, emphasizing the importance of CSR funding in driving sustainable business growth and ethical practices.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an important role in shaping startups by contributing to CSR funding.

In an era where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly important in shaping business strategies, startups are becoming key recipients of CSR funding. This can be a win-win situation, as the company fulfills its CSR obligations while the social startup receives funding and support. This symbiotic relationship extends beyond traditional philanthropy, as companies look for …

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays an important role in shaping startups by contributing to CSR funding. Read More »

Illustration of a dejected entrepreneur sitting in front of a laptop with a closed sign, symbolizing the lessons learned from the failure of a bootstrapped startup.

Lessons from a Bootstrapped Startup’s Demise

While most of the bootstrapped startups don’t achieve the heights envisioned, the journey is a crash course in entrepreneurship. Here are the often-harsh realities and lessons to shape future ventures: Market Validation: A Brutal Reality Check Passion vs. Need: Entrepreneurial passion can be blinding. Due to this the startups fail to adequately validate the actual …

Lessons from a Bootstrapped Startup’s Demise Read More »

Illustration depicting the advantages and disadvantages of bootstrapping for startups, highlighting independence, control, and collaboration on one side, and financial constraints, slower growth, and personal risk on the other.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bootstrapping for startups?

Bootstrapping, funding your startup with your own resources, has both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Here’s a breakdown of both: Advantages of Bootstrapping Retained Control: Bootstrapping allows founders to maintain a significant ownership stake in their company. Without the need to relinquish equity to external investors, founders can retain control over strategic decision-making and steer …

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bootstrapping for startups? Read More »

The Situation of Internship opportunity in Entrepreneurship in India and how effective is to conduct in Online Mode

India boasts a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, and internship in this domain offer valuable experiences for aspiring entrepreneurs. India’s booming startup ecosystem and growing interest in entrepreneurship have fueled the demand which is further ignited by online internships. Let’s explore the current situation: Growing Demand of Entrepreneurship: Increased interest in entrepreneurship among young Indians has led …

The Situation of Internship opportunity in Entrepreneurship in India and how effective is to conduct in Online Mode Read More »

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