
Simplifying OBE Calculation

Outcome Based Education (OBE) focuses on the skills and results achieved by the student as the most important aspect of education. Most quality assurance and accreditation practices are based on this methodology. OBE does not rely on conventional teaching methods. It believes, that instead of rankings and exams, the use of assessments, opportunities, and classroom experiences should all provide the necessary support for the students to achieve their goals.
JhaMobi accreditation management software (NAACAssist) automates & simplifies the OBE calculation process as follows:

Defining POs and PSOs

Defining COs

CO, PO, and PSO mapping

Question paper preparation with COs

Blooms level setting

Rubrics based evaluation

Question-based mark entry with COs

CO, PO attainment calculation

CO, PO attainment reports.

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